We're here to do all we can for you and your family whenever you need a bit of support.
Every family faces challenges - and we're here to support you however we can. We want to help make sure you and your family stay healthy and well. Please let any member of our academy know if you ever need some advice or support.
Find a local foodbank
You can find your nearest food bank on the Trussell Trust website. They also have a free, confidential helpline for anyone in financial crisis t: 0808 208 2138 (open Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm). You can also contact the following locations directly:
- Haverhill - Reach Resource Centre, Leiston Road, Haverhill CB9 8JL t: 01440 268003
- Bury St. Edmunds - Gatehouse, Dettigen Way, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 3TU t: 01284 754967
- Stowmarket - Stowmarket Community Centre, Hillside, Stowmarket, IP14 2BD t: 01449 774000
- Lowestoft - Lowestoft Community Church, 8 Hadenham Road, Lowestoft, NR33 7NF t: 07307 866146
Money worries
Citizens Advice offer lots of support on all kinds of family matters. You can contact their Mid-Suffolk Centre for benefits, housing, employment and debt advice. They offer help in making Universal Credit applications and have a special Universal Credit support helpline t: 01449 676060. Citizens Advice can also support families in need to apply for the Suffolk Local Welfare Assistance Scheme.
Healthy Start provides vouchers for pregnant women and families with a child under four years old on a low income to buy basic food items t: 0300 330 7010
Relationships and wellbeing
Refuge offer support for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. They have a 24/7 helpline t: 0808 2000 247
Lighthouse Women's Aid also provides lots of help and support to women and children affected by domestic abuse. t: 01473 228 270 for telephone support.
Anglia Care Trust (ACT) is a multi-service charity based in Ipswich that offers domestic abuse outreach support and a hotline t: 0800 977 5690. They also offer other services such as housing, drug and alcohol recovery and money/employment advice.
If you're concerned about your own, or a member of your family's, mental health and wellbeing, have a look at the Mind website which has advice about how to get help. You can contact their infoline t: 0300 123 3393
Housing advice
Shelter offers free housing advice and an emergency helpline t: 0808 800 4444
If you're in need of low-cost furniture, get in touch with Ipswich Furniture Project who can support low income families t: 01473 404004
Family support
Home Start in Suffolk provides practical, emotional support and friendship to Suffolk families t: 01473 621104
Family Lives offers a confidential helpline and lots of practical advice on all parenting and family matters t: 0808 800 2222
Visit Suffolk County Council's website for information on schools, children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), childcare, fostering, adoption, children's health, wellbeing and safeguarding.
The NHS Every Mind Matters website has lots of advice for parents and carers about looking after a child or young person's mental health, how to look out for the signs that something's wrong, how to get help if you need it and advice on looking after your own mental health.