Our curriculum

Our results

We encourage all our students to take pride in their achievements and recognise their personal learning journey.

Pupil outcomes for 2023-2024

We recognise the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, and families. These outcomes represent positive progress for the young people who have joined us after prolonged periods out of education.

Year 11 students on roll: 11

Average GCSE Qualifications Achieved: 1.0

Average Non-GCSE Qualifications Achieved: 1.2

Average number of Total Qualifications Achieved: 2.2

English and Maths GCSE: 27%

With a continued focus on our core values and further development of our curriculum, we are confident that we will build on these outcomes securing further progress in the coming year

Pupil outcomes for 2022-2023

We are very proud of the range of qualifications our pupils achieved in 2022/23, as well as the other achievements they have made, which are harder to quantify. Our pupils have a very wide and complex range of educational needs as well as life experiences. To support their achievements and qualifications we have created a bespoke curriculum. This bespoke curriculum ensures a broad range of educational experiences and included examinations at GCSE, BTEC and Functional Skills level.

Three of our four Year 11 pupils achieved between six and nine qualifications, including Functional Skills Maths and English. One pupil successfully achieved a GCSE grade 1 in Maths and grade 3 in English Language.

College visits were arranged throughout the year for our Year 11 pupils so they could explore options available to them and to help them make informed choices - we then supported the pupils with the application and interview process and as a result, post-16 destinations were in place for all pupils. We are working closely with external agencies to support pupils' engagement and attendance.

Pupil outcomes for 2021-2022

Summer 2022 was the first time many of our pupils had taken formal exams due to the COVID pandemic. We were extremely proud of how all our pupils rose to this challenge and completed a variety of exams including GCSEs, BTEC and Functional Skills. Over two thirds of our pupils achieved some accreditation and the majority have now started sixth form college, an apprenticeship or employment - doing courses ranging from catering to motorbike maintenance, from hairdressing to business studies.

With our partners, we are working hard to support all of them to settle into their next phase of learning. We will be following their progress and wishing them the best all the way!

Statement for 2020-2021

Despite the challenges of the year, we are proud of our year 11 pupils in their achievements at GCSE, functional skills and vocational subjects. We are also really pleased that in September 2021 85% of these pupils have places at college or have plans in place for 2021/2022.

Statement for 2019/2020

During a difficult year we were really proud of our students’ achievements in GCSEs, functional skills and vocational subjects.

Olive Academy staff also worked hard to support our Year 11s in preparing for their next destinations, be it further education or training or apprenticeships. Of the 16 pupils in year 11, 80% had a college place or place on an alternative training scheme.

Statement for 2018/2019

63% of students at Olive AP Academy – Suffolk achieved both an English and a Maths GCSE. This is well above the national average (18.9%) for alternative provision schools and academies.

Mark Vickers, Executive Headteacher and CEO, Olive Academies said, “This is only the start of our journey and I expect considerable continued improvements. We are determined that every young person we work with gain the qualifications and grades they want and so urgently need to transform their lives.”

A summary of our KS4 performance data for 2018/19 is available below.

2018 19 OA Trust Dashboard Download

Note: In accordance with advice provided by the Information Commissioner’ Office, Olive AP Academy – Suffolk does not publish results or data regarding our KS2 cohort of pupils. Schools and academies are advised not to publish performance data about groups of around 10 pupils or fewer.